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Saturday, March 7, 2015



Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia pdf free download here

Drug during pregnency and lactation

Drug during pregnency and lactation pdf free download
                                                              Download here

british national formulary

free download of british national formulary

Comprehensive Pharmacy Review

Download free of Cost Comprehensive Pharmacy Review  pdf
                                                               Download here

Community pharmacist

A community pharmacist is a pharmacist who is responsible for controlling, dispensing and distributing medicine inside the community (without health facility) like shopping malls on road side etc. They work to legal and ethical guidelines to ensure the correct and safe supply of medical products to the general public. They are involved in maintaining and improving people's health by providing advice and information as well as supplying prescription medicines.

Community pharmacists also sell over-the-counter medical products and instruct patients on the use of medicines and medical appliances

Job description and tips to improve Business

Community pharmacists work in customer-facing roles and provide an increasing range of services. Typical work activities include:
·         dispensing prescription medicines to the public;
·         ensuring that different treatments are compatible;
·         checking dosage and ensuring that medicines are correctly and safely supplied and labeled (pharmacists are legally responsible for any dispensing errors);
·         supervising the preparation of any medicines (not all are supplied ready made-up by the manufacturer);
·         keeping a register of controlled drugs for legal and stock control purposes;
·         liaising with doctors about prescriptions;
·         selling over-the-counter medicines;
·         counseling and advising the public on the treatment of minor ailments;
·         advising patients of any adverse side-effects of medicines or potential interactions with other medicines/treatments;

·         preparing unit doses and cassette boxes, usually for the elderly but also for those with memory/learning difficulties, where tablets are placed in compartments for specified days of the week;
·         undertaking Medicine Use Reviews (MUR), an advanced service to help patients understand how their medicines work and why they have to take them;
·         managing a needle and syringe exchange;
·         arranging the delivery of prescription medicines to patients;
·         managing, supervising and training pharmacy support staff;
·         budgeting and financial management;
·         keeping up to date with current pharmacy practice, new drugs and their uses

Some Extra Suggestion for community Pharmacist To boost up the business while working as a community Pharmacist there is some suggestion
  • 1.       Blood pressure Check: if a community pharmacist provides a free BP check facility it will increase the number of customer.
  • 2.       Blood Sugar: with a small fee to provide this facility will also give a positive move to yours’ Business.
  • 3.       Weight & Height: to measure BMI(body mass index) will help in correct dose calculation and enhance customer satisfaction

Note: beside the above suggestions if community Pharmacist provides some cosmetics. Pregnancy test facility, Smoking rehabilitation, health care electronics like steamer etc., snake and drinks, home delivery service and also a most important thing extemporaneous preparation will boost the business

Monday, March 2, 2015


This chart of drugs  are 

contraindicated Pregnancy(Pregnancy category 

X) This is not an inclusive list of products that 

carry that pregnancy category.

Those drugs that are contraindicated at a 

certain phase of the pregnancy are listed next 

to the product name. For more information on 

specific drug monographs, see product entries 

or consult the manufacturer and other 

Pharmacological data base Like Micromedics 

BNF etc